Become a member

Membership of Swindon Food Collective is open to any individual or organisation interested in supporting its purposes/aims. Here is YOUR CHANCE to get involved, and have a say. We really would like both people and organisations to be involved with the ongoing management of and invite you to join us.

What does being a member involve?

Membership of Swindon Food Collective is open to any individual or organisation interested in supporting its purposes/aims. Anyone wishing to become a member should complete a membership application form below. Your application will then be passed to the Trustee Board for consideration. Here is YOUR CHANCE to get involved, and have a say. We really would like both people and organisations to be involved with the ongoing management of Swindon Food Collective and invite you to join us for the forthcoming year.  

Membership fees and payment

Our membership fees are:- 

  • Unwaged £5
  • Waged £10
  • Voluntary agency/charity £25
  • Sole business £50
  • Company £100
  • Corporate £250

All trustees have to be paid up members. The membership elects the trustees at AGM’s. Please see pages 8-10 in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Our Memorandum and Articles of Association can also be found in the ‘documents’ section.

You can use the standing order form to allow you to pay your membership this way, or alternatively you can pay membership fees using PayPal donate and selecting the Membership category. Don’t forget to click the gift aid button if you are paying by PayPal and wish to give gift aid or complete the ‘gift aid form’ if you are paying by standing order.

Sign up today

Please download the form below, fill out and send back to us. Someone from our team will be in touch with you after receiving your form.

Download Membership Form